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Answers to the top questions asked by businesses seeking to successfully communicate change
Felicity Cowie
Feb 16, 20234 min read
Can you prove what you say you do? A quick guide to case studies
Can you prove what you say you do? A quick guide to case studies with how to create them in four steps.
Felicity Cowie
Jan 17, 20235 min read
Are your key messages ready for media scrutiny?
The risks and opportunities of putting your key messages under the media microscope A lot of communications training is focused on what a...
Felicity Cowie
Dec 2, 20222 min read
How journalists find stories
The two tests of what makes a story and how to be a great source. One of the questions I'm asked most often is 'how do journalists find...
Felicity Cowie
Apr 4, 20223 min read
When is the best time to approach journalists?
At the end of this blog, I’ll share some tactical tips on best time of the day, week, year to contact journalists. But I want to kick off...
Felicity Cowie
Mar 8, 20222 min read
What it's like to work with me
I've helped some of the world’s leading organisations gain extensive news coverage, whilst working as a media relations coach and...
Felicity Cowie
Oct 15, 20213 min read
What opportunities are journalists looking for?
Journalists are opportunistic, they are ‘switched on’ to finding stories, so if you are pitching to a journalist, it’s good to understand...
Felicity Cowie
Oct 1, 20212 min read
Which stories do journalists look for?
There are, without a doubt, 2 key things ALL journalists seek from ANY story … When I was pitched a story, as a journalist, I would...
Felicity Cowie
Sep 24, 20212 min read
Do journalists always want exclusives?
Have you ever wondered what journalists themselves think about ‘the media’ during the story pitching process? In fiction, journalists are...
Felicity Cowie
Sep 23, 20212 min read
3 ways corporate media relations get more dangerous than tequila
#1 You get numb My favourite lyric about tequila is, ‘I drank so much that my hair got drunk’ by Steve Goodman and John Prine, How Much...
Felicity Cowie
Sep 21, 20215 min read
The 3 worst things you can do when pitching a journalist
#1 Pitching without a spokesperson By far the worst thing you can do is fail to agree, inside your business, who is going to be the...
Felicity Cowie
Sep 17, 20212 min read
How long should you write a press release?
I would argue, based on having read and written at least 100,000 releases as both a journalist and media relations troubleshooter, length...
Felicity Cowie
Sep 13, 20212 min read
What’s the best way to attract a journalist?
It’s a myth you win a journalist’s attention by ‘hooking’ them with a snappy header or headline. That’s not true. There’s a step before...
Felicity Cowie
Sep 3, 20212 min read
Should you use jokes in press releases and pitches?
I’m going to reticently advise against joking. I’m reticent because I work with a lot of humour. Plus, journalists, at their best, are...
Felicity Cowie
Aug 31, 20212 min read
How do you start media relations?
Most businesses want to get featured in the media because they can see the benefits of raising their profile. A good news story acts like...
Felicity Cowie
Aug 27, 20212 min read
What puts journalists off a story?
You don’t want to send journalists a media release offering a story which doesn’t fit your business. Confusion kills stories. As a...
Felicity Cowie
Aug 26, 20212 min read
What do journalists think when you pitch?
I calculate I was pitched at least 100,000 stories as a journalist! And from working in media relations since 2010 I know that pitching a...
Felicity Cowie
Aug 25, 20212 min read
What is the financial cost of media relations?
Many organisations invest £10000s in the wrong skills for the wrong processes to get wrong media coverage. Why? A trap many businesses...
Felicity Cowie
Aug 24, 20212 min read
3 ways media relations can benefit your business
The main reason businesses fail to get great headlines is that they don’t really know WHY they want to work with journalists. It often...
Felicity Cowie
Apr 28, 20211 min read
REVIEWS: 'A must have for anyone struggling to articulate their mission and vision'
Global 5-star reviews for my concise ehandbook 50 Mighty Words to Grow Your Business on Amazon: '50 words pack a punch' 'At last - a...
Felicity Cowie
Feb 23, 20211 min read
GUEST ARTICLE: 5 tactics scale-ups should use to articulate their vision
For Scale Up month at TechSPARK, author and communication expert Felicity Cowie explains the importance of being able to articulate your...
Felicity Cowie
Jan 31, 20211 min read
REVIEW: 'A great read for entrepreneurs'
'Felicity has made the importance of effective communication to building a growth business a strategic imperative, and importantly shows...
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